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I was shy to focus my lens on others at first. It was almost too intimate. The intensity of their gaze as I adjust my clunky manual camera until that person is in perfect focus before me. All the reasons I shied away from taking analog pictures of others have now  become the reason why people are now my favorite subject. - bird.


Forever partial to the city of my birth. The streets and forests I still cross cross on a bike like we did when we were kids. I see it now with different eyes. Still appreciating the beauty of it's landscape and the charm of it's neighborhoods. Always believing in this cities potential and committed to showing all of Wilmington with the hope that others may see it as we do, preserving what is good and making improvements where they are needed most.


No judgements ever in the eyes of pets,  just curiosity, a simplicity and innocence that probably has something to do with why we fall in love with them in the first place.- bird.


Those things in our life that because of their significance or beauty deserve to be commemorated on something more tangible than pixels and hard drive space.


Before I was a shooting film I was working as a social worker, before I was a social worker I was a state inmate. I am still all of these things and Project Return is my attempt to make all these fractured pieces into a whole. Funded by the Delaware Division of the Arts Return is a collaboration between the artist and currently incarcerated craftsman Darryll Bifano. The project showcases the struggles and triumphs of returning citizens emerging from incarceration into a changed world and is meant to highlight the importance of support when we return. Project Return debuts on November 1rst 2024 at Huxley & Hiro. This project is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on For more information about Project Return, click here.

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